
Monday, June 20, 2011


it's kind of saddening when you begin seeing someone and all of a sudden all the guys who you thought were your friends just stop talking to you. like that makes it pretty obvious that they were only talking to you because they thought you were attractive and because you were single so they thought they may have had a chance in hell with you, but in reality you naively thought they wanted to be friends with you.
this proves to me that guys are just the same as girls, even though girls say "oh i would rather have guys as friends"

and also! when youre talking to one of your guy friends and you tell them that you have a boyfriend now and they say, "oh haha thats sucks" or "oh bummer :P" 
like seriously? .........seriously? it may be a bummer for you because now you really dont have a chance with me anymore but come on. like really you have to say something stupid like that instead of being respectful and responding "oooh yay! im so happy for you etc etc"

and one more thing before i end this post; my one friend said something along the lines of this to me the other day "you only date guys with big spacers"
first of all the word spacers is kind of irritating, i dunno why it just sound kind of dumb.
and secondly, I DO NOT? like sure chances are i will be more attracted to someone whos ear lobes are larger, but just because i am that doesnt mean that that is what my relationships hinge upon. that is the most shallow thing i have ever heard to only date a person because of something about their physical appearance. that just makes me angry. ive only had like 3 boyfriends in the past. my first boyfriend didnt even have his ears pierced, my second boyfriend didnt either and only started stretching because he was stupid and shallow and thought if he had stretched ears then i would like him more. my third wasnt even at his biggest size when we dated and i broke up with him because he was immature and an idiot. 

my boyfriend Nick has his ears stretched just over 2.5 inches and if he had been an asshole i would not have fallen for him. i am with him because in my eyes everything about him is gorgeous, he is legitimately the nicest guy i have ever met, he does and says the cutest things, he is not immature or annoying in the least, we both love Edward Norton, we like the same kind of bread for christ sakes.... what he does to his body is his choice, he can do whatever he wants to himself/his ears and it will never ever change the way i feel about him

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